In 1956 the tv program "This Thing Called Life" was broadcast. This is the only show that was recorded. It has been painstakingly remastered from the original kinescope recording process used in the early days of television and preserved for us to enjoy today.

We hope you will enjoy watching this recording of an extraordinary man and his extraordinary vision for all people.

The Life of Ernest Holmes

The majority of the following material on the life of Ernest Holmes was gathered from a booklet entitled, Path of Discovery written by Rev. Scott Awbrey scott@revscottawbrey.com) and published by United Church of Religious Science and used with permission.

“Our time should be devoted to knowing the Truth that sets humanity free from the problem of ignorance; that Truth which alone can bring enlightenment to the world, that war should cease, that people should live together in harmony because they have recognized the Divinity within each other.”


Who was Ernest Holmes? Where did he come from? And how is it that a man who had a distaste for organized religion becomes the founder of the Science of Mind movement?

In studying his life, our goal is not just to learn about the life of this man but to attempt to capture his consciousness knowing that that consciousness is the vitality of our teaching.

Ernest Holmes founded the international Religious Science movement and wrote The Science of Mind and numerous other books on metaphysics. He also founded the international monthly periodical, Science of Mind Magazine, which has been in continuous monthly publication since 1927 and has influenced millions of people. His Science of Mind teaching, recognized today as one of the leading viewpoints in modern metaphysics, is a spiritual philosophy that people throughout the world have come to know as a positive, supportive approach to life.

“There is a Divine urge within everyone to know more, to be more, and to express more, and I have found that the thing we are searching for is the thing we are searching with.”

“Out there in the vast reaches of outer space and here in the equally vast reaches of inner space, everything is in order. Our task is to begin to understand that the Universal Mind is resident everywhere, and also, of necessity, within us. Our prayer is that the Truth be made known, that it cannot fail to be revealed.”

Click on this Article to read the rest of the story at Centers for Spiritual Living Archives.

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